Selected Season:
Fall 2024

NVSL - Subdivison Boys Grade 78 D3.1

Subdivision Standings
NorthQuabbin B78 A870102237102722
Oakmont B78 B
changed subdivisions, standings reflect all games played.
Pepperell B78 United8620018241778
Clinton B78 A83230122613139
Leominster B78 B8440012282262
Nashoba B78 B
changed subdivisions, standings reflect all games played.
Lunenburg B78 A7322011262063
Berlin B78 Grey
changed subdivisions, standings reflect all games played.
Hudson B78 Red7240161228-16-12
Ayer-Shirley B78 A
changed subdivisions, standings reflect all games played.
Schedule and Results by Week
WKGame #Game TimeHome TeamScoreAway TeamFieldNotes
164119/7/24 4:30pmGroton-Dunst B78 B1 - 1Townsend-Ashby B78 ThunderGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 2
164129/7/24 4:30pmLeominster B78 B6 - 0Hudson B78 RedLeominster Samoset 11v11
164139/7/24 4:30pmPepperell B78 United1 - 4Clinton B78 BPepperell Comiskey
164149/7/24 4:30pmClinton B78 A3 - 3Nashoba B78 BNashoba Forbush Fields
164159/7/24 4:30pmBerlin B78 Grey7 - 2Littleton B78 BBerlin South Common
164169/7/24 4:30pmLunenburg B78 A1 - 6NorthQuabbin B78 ALunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
264179/14/24 4:30pmClinton B78 B2 - 2Nashoba B78 BClinton S. Meadow 11v11
264189/14/24 4:30pmBerlin B78 Grey0 - 2Pepperell B78 UnitedBerlin South Common
264199/14/24 4:30pmHudson B78 Red7 - 4Littleton B78 BHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 11v11
264209/14/24 4:30pmTownsend-Ashby B78 Thunder0 - 6Clinton B78 ATownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 1
264219/14/24 4:30pmLunenburg B78 A4 - 3Leominster B78 BLunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
264229/14/24 4:30pmNorthQuabbin B78 A7 - 2Groton-Dunst B78 BNorthQuabbin Athol Royalston Middle School
364239/21/24 4:30pmNorthQuabbin B78 A3 - 3Clinton B78 BNorthQuabbin Athol Royalston Middle School
364249/21/24 4:30pmHudson B78 Red - Lunenburg B78 AHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 11v11
364259/21/24 4:30pmLittleton B78 B2 - 8Leominster B78 BLittleton Koerper Field
364269/21/24 4:30pmPepperell B78 United5 - 0Groton-Dunst B78 BPepperell Leao 1 (11v11)
3642710/6/24 10:00amClinton B78 A2 - 2Berlin B78 GreyClinton S. Meadow 11v11
3642810/6/24 1:00pmNashoba B78 B4 - 0Townsend-Ashby B78 ThunderNashoba Forbush Fields
464329/28/24 3:00pmClinton B78 B2 - 2Clinton B78 AClinton S. Meadow 11v11
464299/28/24 4:30pmGroton-Dunst B78 B1 - 2Hudson B78 RedGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 2
464309/28/24 4:30pmLittleton B78 B3 - 9Lunenburg B78 ALittleton Koerper Field
464319/28/24 4:30pmLeominster B78 B0 - 3NorthQuabbin B78 ALeominster Samoset 11v11
464339/28/24 4:30pmNashoba B78 B5 - 2Berlin B78 GreyNashoba Forbush Fields
464349/28/24 4:30pmTownsend-Ashby B78 Thunder1 - 3Pepperell B78 UnitedTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 1
5643510/5/24 4:30pmLunenburg B78 A2 - 4Pepperell B78 UnitedLunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
5643610/5/24 4:30pmHudson B78 Red - Berlin B78 GreyHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 11v11
5643710/5/24 4:30pmAyer-Shirley B78 A2 - 4Leominster B78 BAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
5643810/5/24 4:30pmNashoba B78 B2 - 3NorthQuabbin B78 ANashoba Forbush Fields
5643910/5/24 4:30pmOakmont B78 B1 - 0Clinton B78 AOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery
6644010/19/24 4:30pmBerlin B78 Grey1 - 1Ayer-Shirley B78 ABerlin South Common
6644110/19/24 4:30pmNorthQuabbin B78 A2 - 0Clinton B78 ANorthQuabbin Athol Royalston Middle School
6644210/19/24 4:30pmNashoba B78 B3 - 3Lunenburg B78 ANashoba Pine Bluffs
6644310/19/24 4:30pmLeominster B78 B4 - 1Oakmont B78 BLeominster Samoset 11v11
6644410/19/24 4:30pmHudson B78 Red1 - 5Pepperell B78 UnitedHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 11v11
7644510/26/24 4:30pmBerlin B78 Grey1 - 1Lunenburg B78 ABerlin South Common
7644610/26/24 4:30pmOakmont B78 B4 - FHudson B78 RedOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryHudson couldn't field a team
7644710/26/24 4:30pmAyer-Shirley B78 A0 - 6Clinton B78 BAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
7644810/26/24 4:30pmClinton B78 A5 - 1Leominster B78 BClinton S. Meadow 11v11
7644910/26/24 4:30pmPepperell B78 United1 - 7NorthQuabbin B78 APepperell Comiskey
7673410/26/24 4:30pmMaynard B78 B1 - 6Nashoba B78 BMaynard Fowler Field
8645011/2/24 4:30pmLunenburg B78 A6 - 0Oakmont B78 BLunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
8645111/2/24 4:30pmPepperell B78 United3 - 2Ayer-Shirley B78 APepperell Comiskey
8645211/2/24 4:30pmLeominster B78 B2 - 5Clinton B78 BLeominster Samoset 11v11
8645311/2/24 4:30pmNorthQuabbin B78 A6 - 1Nashoba B78 BNorthQuabbin Athol Royalston Middle School
8645411/2/24 4:30pmClinton B78 A8 - 2Hudson B78 RedClinton S. Meadow 11v11
8674211/2/24 4:30pmNashoba B78 C0 - 5Berlin B78 GreyNashoba Forbush Fields