Selected Season:
Spring 2025

NVSL - Subdivison Boys Grade 34 D4.3

Schedule and Results by Week
WKGame #Game TimeHome TeamScoreAway TeamFieldNotes
129114/13/24 10:30amNashoba B34 Stow-White Ayer-Shirley B34 NNashoba Pine Bluffs 1
129124/13/24 10:30amBoylston B34 Suhl Maynard B34 GBoylston Hillside Lower
129134/13/24 10:30amLittleton B34 Maroon Fitchburg B34 CLittleton Koerper 2
129145/9/24 5:00pmPepperell B34 Sounders Leominster B34 IPepperell Comiskey
229164/20/24 10:30amAyer-Shirley B34 N Pepperell B34 SoundersAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
229174/20/24 10:30amBoylston B34 Suhl Leominster B34 IBoylston Hillside Lower
229184/20/24 10:30amNashoba B34 Stow-White Fitchburg B34 CNashoba Pine Bluffs 1
229154/29/24 6:00pmMaynard B34 G Littleton B34 MaroonMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
329194/27/24 10:30amFitchburg B34 C Boylston B34 SuhlFitchburg High School
329204/27/24 10:30amLeominster B34 I Ayer-Shirley B34 NLeominster Progin Park Mass Youth Soccer Field
329214/27/24 10:30amMaynard B34 G Nashoba B34 Stow-WhiteMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
329224/27/24 10:30amPepperell B34 Sounders Littleton B34 MaroonPepperell Comiskey
429235/4/24 10:30amLeominster B34 I Nashoba B34 Stow-WhiteLeominster Progin Park Mass Youth Soccer Field
429245/4/24 10:30amFitchburg B34 C Pepperell B34 SoundersFitchburg High School
429255/4/24 10:30amLittleton B34 Maroon Boylston B34 SuhlLittleton High School
429265/4/24 10:30amAyer-Shirley B34 N Maynard B34 GAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
529275/11/24 10:30amOakmont B34 B Townsend-Ashby B34 StormOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery
529285/11/24 10:30amLittleton B34 Maroon Lunenburg B34 CLittleton Koerper 2
529295/11/24 10:30amPepperell B34 Sounders Nashoba B34 Stow-WhitePepperell Glow 1 (7v7)
529305/11/24 10:30amChairCity B34 White Maynard B34 GChairCity Gardner High School
629315/18/24 10:30amChairCity B34 White Townsend-Ashby B34 StormChairCity Gardner High School
629325/18/24 10:30amLittleton B34 Maroon Oakmont B34 BLittleton Koerper 2
629335/18/24 10:30amMaynard B34 G Pepperell B34 SoundersMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
629345/18/24 10:30amNashoba B34 Stow-White Lunenburg B34 CNashoba Pine Bluffs 1
729356/1/24 9:00amLunenburg B34 C Maynard B34 GMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
729366/1/24 10:30amOakmont B34 B Nashoba B34 Stow-WhiteOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery
729376/1/24 10:30amPepperell B34 Sounders ChairCity B34 WhitePepperell Glow 1 (7v7)
729386/1/24 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 Storm Littleton B34 MaroonTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2a
829396/8/24 10:30amMaynard B34 G Oakmont B34 BMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
829406/8/24 10:30amNashoba B34 Stow-White Littleton B34 MaroonNashoba Pine Bluffs 1
829416/8/24 10:30amLunenburg B34 C ChairCity B34 WhiteLunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
829426/8/24 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 Storm Pepperell B34 SoundersTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2a