Selected Season:
Spring 2025

NVSL - Subdivison Boys Grade 78 D3.1

Subdivision Standings
Fitchburg B78 A
changed subdivisions, standings reflect all games played.
Lunenburg B78 A8521016221488
Littleton B78 B
changed subdivisions, standings reflect all games played.
Pepperell B78 United84400121820-2-2
ChairCity B78 O8233091722-5-5
Clinton B78 A8242082428-4-4
Ayer-Shirley B78 A8134071217-5-5
Oakmont B78 A8143061022-12-10
Schedule and Results by Week
WKGame #Game TimeHome TeamScoreAway TeamFieldNotes
164119/10/22 4:30pmLunenburg B78 A1 - 2NorthQuabbin B78 ALunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
164129/10/22 4:30pmOakmont B78 A0 - 4Pepperell B78 UnitedOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery
164139/10/22 4:30pmAyer-Shirley B78 A0 - 4Hudson B78 AAyer-Shirley Wilde RdHudson reported
164149/10/22 4:30pmChairCity B78 O3 - 2Clinton B78 AChairCity Gardner High School
264159/17/22 4:30pmPepperell B78 United1 - 3Lunenburg B78 APepperell Leao 2 (11v11)
264169/17/22 4:30pmClinton B78 A3 - 3Ayer-Shirley B78 AClinton S. Meadow 11v11
264189/17/22 4:30pmNorthQuabbin B78 A6 - 0Oakmont B78 ANorthQuabbin Athol Royalston Middle SchoolNQU played 1-2 players down most of 2nd half
2641710/2/22 8:30amHudson B78 A4 - 0ChairCity B78 OChairCity Gardner High SchoolGame played 10/2 at ChairCity
364199/24/22 4:30pmClinton B78 A0 - 4Lunenburg B78 AClinton S. Meadow 11v11
364209/24/22 4:30pmChairCity B78 O2 - 2Ayer-Shirley B78 AChairCity Gardner High School
364219/24/22 4:30pmHudson B78 A1 - 1Oakmont B78 AHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 11v11Good competitive game.
364229/24/22 4:30pmPepperell B78 United2 - 4NorthQuabbin B78 APepperell Leao 2 (11v11)
4642310/1/22 4:30pmAyer-Shirley B78 A1 - 2Pepperell B78 UnitedAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
4642410/1/22 4:30pmNorthQuabbin B78 A3 - 0Clinton B78 ANorthQuabbin Athol Royalston Middle School
4642510/1/22 4:30pmOakmont B78 A1 - 1ChairCity B78 OOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryGood competitive game
4642610/1/22 4:30pmLunenburg B78 A4 - 7Hudson B78 ALunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
5642710/15/22 4:30pmClinton B78 A6 - 2Pepperell B78 UnitedClinton S. Meadow 11v11
5642810/15/22 4:30pmLunenburg B78 A2 - 0Oakmont B78 ALunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
5642910/15/22 4:30pmChairCity B78 O2 - 3Fitchburg B78 AChairCity Gardner High School
5643010/15/22 4:30pmAyer-Shirley B78 A4 - 3Littleton B78 BAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
6643110/22/22 4:30pmLunenburg B78 A2 - 1Ayer-Shirley B78 ALunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
6643210/22/22 4:30pmOakmont B78 A5 - 4Littleton B78 BOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery
6643310/22/22 4:30pmFitchburg B78 A5 - 5Clinton B78 AFitchburg High School
6643410/22/22 4:30pmPepperell B78 United2 - 0ChairCity B78 OPepperell Leao 1 (11v11)
7643510/29/22 4:30pmFitchburg B78 A0 - 0Ayer-Shirley B78 AFitchburg High School
7643610/29/22 4:30pmOakmont B78 A2 - 3Clinton B78 AOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryGood competitive game.
7643710/29/22 4:30pmChairCity B78 O3 - 3Lunenburg B78 AChairCity Gardner High School
7643810/29/22 6:00pmLittleton B78 B3 - 1Pepperell B78 UnitedLittleton Alumni Field
8643911/5/22 4:00pmAyer-Shirley B78 A1 - 1Oakmont B78 AAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
8644111/5/22 4:30pmLittleton B78 B0 - 3Lunenburg B78 ALittleton High School B
8644211/5/22 4:30pmClinton B78 A5 - 6ChairCity B78 OClinton S. Meadow 11v11
8644011/5/22 6:00pmPepperell B78 United4 - 3Fitchburg B78 APepperell North Middlesex Regional HS (turf)