Selected Season:
Spring 2025

NVSL - Subdivison Boys Grade 34 D4.2

Schedule and Results by Week
WKGame #Game TimeHome TeamScoreAway TeamFieldNotes
128119/10/22 10:30amGroton-Dunst B34 F ChairCity B34 EGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 2B
128129/10/22 10:30amLittleton B34 Orange Oakmont B34 BLittleton Middle SchoolGood competitive game, score reflective of the possession
128139/10/22 10:30amLeominster B34 E Pepperell B34 SoundersLeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9
128159/10/22 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 C Tyngsboro B34 BTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2a
128169/10/22 10:30amNashoba B34 LancasterB Maynard B34 WNashoba Lancaster Schools - Mary Rowlandson Elementary
128149/10/22 12:00pmLunenburg B34 C Ayer-Shirley B34 NAyer-Shirley Wilde RdGame was played in Ayer Shirley. Game #2814 Lunenburg B34 C vs Ayer-Shirley B34 N Score: 5:2 Lunenburg won
228179/17/22 10:30amChairCity B34 E Townsend-Ashby B34 CChairCity Gardner High School
228189/17/22 10:30amTyngsboro B34 B Leominster B34 ETyngsboro Bridge Meadow 2
228199/17/22 10:30amOakmont B34 B Ayer-Shirley B34 NOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryGood competitive game.
228209/17/22 10:30amPepperell B34 Sounders Nashoba B34 LancasterBPepperell Glow 4 (7v7)
228219/17/22 10:30amGroton-Dunst B34 F Lunenburg B34 CGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 2B
228229/17/22 10:30amMaynard B34 W Littleton B34 OrangeMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)Good game, Littleton goalies made more saves and a little better of play overall
328239/24/22 10:30amAyer-Shirley B34 N Leominster B34 EAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
328249/24/22 10:30amLittleton B34 Orange Townsend-Ashby B34 CLittleton Middle School
328259/24/22 10:30amLunenburg B34 C Pepperell B34 SoundersLunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
328269/24/22 10:30amChairCity B34 E Nashoba B34 LancasterBChairCity Gardner High School
328279/24/22 10:30amOakmont B34 B Groton-Dunst B34 FOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery
328289/24/22 10:30amMaynard B34 W Tyngsboro B34 BMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
4282910/1/22 10:30amTyngsboro B34 B ChairCity B34 ETyngsboro Bridge Meadow 2Coach tried to ask ref but he left quickly. Please confirm.
4283010/1/22 10:30amLeominster B34 E Oakmont B34 BLeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9
4283110/1/22 10:30amNashoba B34 LancasterB Groton-Dunst B34 FNashoba Lancaster Schools - Mary Rowlandson Elementary
4283210/1/22 10:30amPepperell B34 Sounders Maynard B34 WPepperell Glow 4 (7v7)
4283310/1/22 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 C Lunenburg B34 CTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2a
4283410/1/22 10:30amAyer-Shirley B34 N Littleton B34 OrangeAyer-Shirley Wilde RdExcellent game, very even from start to finish
52838UnscheduledFitchburg B34 C Groton-Dunst B34 GFitchburg High School
52839UnscheduledTyngsboro B34 B Groton-Dunst B34 FTyngsboro Bridge Meadow 2Game played on Sunday October 23
5283510/15/22 10:30amLittleton B34 Orange Lunenburg B34 CLittleton Middle School
5283610/15/22 10:30amNashoba B34 LancasterB Oakmont B34 BNashoba Lancaster Schools - Mary Rowlandson Elementary
5283710/15/22 10:30amAyer-Shirley B34 N Townsend-Ashby B34 CAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
6284010/22/22 10:30amOakmont B34 B Fitchburg B34 COakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryScore reflective of the play. Oakmont pulled players and stopped shooting.
6284110/22/22 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 C Groton-Dunst B34 GTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2aGreat passing from both teams
6284210/22/22 10:30amTyngsboro B34 B Littleton B34 OrangeTyngsboro Bridge Meadow 26 goal lead in first half with no apparent mitigation steps. Second half their full team bunkered in their half. Poor game.
6284310/22/22 10:30amNashoba B34 LancasterB Lunenburg B34 CNashoba Lancaster Schools - Mary Rowlandson Elementary
6284410/22/22 10:30amGroton-Dunst B34 F Ayer-Shirley B34 NGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 2B
7284510/29/22 10:30amFitchburg B34 C Littleton B34 OrangeFitchburg High School4-0 at half, played with 5 on the field for the second half. Kids aware to dial back
7284610/29/22 10:30amAyer-Shirley B34 N Nashoba B34 LancasterBAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
7284710/29/22 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 C Groton-Dunst B34 FTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2a
7284810/29/22 10:30amLunenburg B34 C Oakmont B34 BOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery
7284910/29/22 10:30amGroton-Dunst B34 G Tyngsboro B34 BGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 3A
8285011/5/22 10:30amGroton-Dunst B34 F Fitchburg B34 CGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 2B
8285111/5/22 10:30amLunenburg B34 C Tyngsboro B34 BLunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
8285211/5/22 10:30amGroton-Dunst B34 G Ayer-Shirley B34 NGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 3ABoth teams played very well
8285311/5/22 10:30amLittleton B34 Orange Nashoba B34 LancasterBLittleton Whitcomb
8285411/5/22 10:30amOakmont B34 B Townsend-Ashby B34 COakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery