Selected Season:
Spring 2025

NVSL - Subdivison Girls Grade 34 D2.1

Subdivision Members
TeamFieldCoachAssistant Coach
Clinton G34 AClinton S. Meadow #1Katie KellemeyerKevin Place
Ayer-Shirley G34 AAyer-Shirley Wilde RdJared LaSanteMandy Bresnahan
Harvard G34 CheetahsJeremy CrochiereBen Urquhart
Maynard G34 OMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)Joe Graham Meghan Kwartler
Lunenburg G34 ALunenburg Middle Grass Field with BleachersBrad EberhardtDaniel Ciccone
Hudson G34 BHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 RightShaun ChambersBrian Maver
Schedule and Results by Week
WKGame #Game TimeHome TeamScoreAway TeamFieldNotes
112119/10/22 9:00amLittleton G34 Yellow Nashoba G34 LancasterALittleton High School C
112129/10/22 9:00amBolton G34 A Lunenburg G34 ABolton Forbush B2
112139/10/22 9:00amGroton-Dunst G34 A Harvard G34 CheetahsGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 2A
112149/10/22 9:00amNashoba G34 A Tyngsboro G34 ANashoba Stow Community Park
112159/10/22 9:00amLeominster G34 A Oakmont G34 ALeominster Samoset 7v7 (Lower Right)Oakmont had a bit more of the play and shots on goal.
112169/10/22 9:00amBolton G34 B Littleton G34 WhiteBolton Forbush B3
212179/17/22 9:00amLunenburg G34 A Leominster G34 ALunenburg Middle Grass Field with BleachersLeominster had 1 sub, ref played quarters to give rest and water to players.
212189/17/22 9:00amTyngsboro G34 A Bolton G34 ATyngsboro Bridge Meadow 1
212199/17/22 9:00amGroton-Dunst G34 A Bolton G34 BGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 2A
212209/17/22 9:00amOakmont G34 A Littleton G34 WhiteOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryOakmont was physically bigger and faster. Littleton was skilled, but all 3rd graders. Size and speed were a difference.
212219/17/22 9:00amNashoba G34 A Littleton G34 YellowNashoba Stow Community Park
212229/17/22 9:00amNashoba G34 LancasterA Harvard G34 CheetahsNashoba Lancaster Schools - Mary Rowlandson Elementary
312239/24/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Cheetahs Lunenburg G34 AHarvard Waite A
312249/24/22 9:00amLeominster G34 A Nashoba G34 ALeominster Samoset 7v7 (Lower Right)
312259/24/22 9:00amBolton G34 B Tyngsboro G34 ABolton Forbush B3
312269/24/22 9:00amLittleton G34 White Bolton G34 ALittleton High School D
312279/24/22 9:00amLittleton G34 Yellow Groton-Dunst G34 ALittleton High School C
312289/24/22 9:00amNashoba G34 LancasterA Oakmont G34 ANashoba Lancaster Schools - Mary Rowlandson ElementaryGood competitive game.
4122910/1/22 9:00amOakmont G34 A Nashoba G34 AOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryGood game.
4123010/1/22 9:00amLittleton G34 White Leominster G34 ALittleton High School D
4123110/1/22 9:00amTyngsboro G34 A Littleton G34 YellowTyngsboro Bridge Meadow 1
4123210/1/22 9:00amBolton G34 A Groton-Dunst G34 ABolton Forbush B2
4123310/1/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Cheetahs Bolton G34 BHarvard Waite A
4123410/1/22 9:00amLunenburg G34 A Nashoba G34 LancasterALunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
5123510/15/22 9:00amLunenburg G34 A Maynard G34 OLunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
5123610/15/22 9:00amAyer-Shirley G34 A Littleton G34 WhiteAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd 1
5123710/15/22 9:00amHudson G34 B Littleton G34 YellowHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 RightLittleton hosted at Middle School
5123810/15/22 9:00amClinton G34 A Harvard G34 CheetahsClinton S. Meadow #1
5112410/15/22 9:00amHudson G34 A Nashoba G34 LancasterAHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 LeftGreat game
6123910/22/22 9:00amLunenburg G34 A Hudson G34 BLunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers
6124110/22/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Cheetahs Ayer-Shirley G34 AHarvard Waite AVery even game
6124010/22/22 9:00amClinton G34 A Maynard G34 OClinton S. Meadow #1Amazing game
7124410/29/22 9:00amMaynard G34 O Harvard G34 CheetahsMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
7124310/29/22 9:00amAyer-Shirley G34 A Lunenburg G34 AAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
7124610/29/22 9:00amHudson G34 B Clinton G34 AHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 Right
8124811/5/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Cheetahs Hudson G34 BHarvard Waite A
8124711/5/22 9:00amMaynard G34 O Ayer-Shirley G34 AMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
8124911/5/22 9:00amLunenburg G34 A Clinton G34 ALunenburg Middle Grass Field with Bleachers