Selected Season:
Spring 2025

NVSL - Subdivison Girls Grade 34 D4.2

Subdivision Members
Schedule and Results by Week
WKGame #Game TimeHome TeamScoreAway TeamFieldNotes
118119/10/22 9:00amHudson G34 C Boylston G34 BaerHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 Left
118129/10/22 9:00amLittleton G34 Navy Groton-Dunst G34 CLittleton High School D
118139/10/22 9:00amTownsend-Ashby G34 C Ayer-Shirley G34 NTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2aASYS reported
118149/10/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Tigers Fitchburg G34 BHarvard Waite AHarvard pulled a player for second half of the game to make game more even
218159/17/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Tigers Townsend-Ashby G34 CHarvard Waite AHome team went down to 5 players after going up by 4
218169/17/22 9:00amLittleton G34 Navy Ayer-Shirley G34 NLittleton High School DAyer had six kids. Played 5v5. given option to forfeit after 6-0 and share our players but declined. 5 passes before shot rule
218179/17/22 9:00amGroton-Dunst G34 C Hudson G34 CGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 3A
218189/17/22 9:00amBoylston G34 Baer Fitchburg G34 BBoylston Hillside LowerBoylston played 5v7 second half
318199/24/22 9:00amBoylston G34 Baer Littleton G34 NavyBoylston Hillside Lower
318209/24/22 9:00amTownsend-Ashby G34 C Hudson G34 CTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2a
318219/24/22 9:00amAyer-Shirley G34 N Harvard G34 TigersAyer-Shirley Wilde RdRef Was Helpful. Patient
318229/24/22 9:00amFitchburg G34 B Groton-Dunst G34 CFitchburg High School
4182310/1/22 9:00amGroton-Dunst G34 C Townsend-Ashby G34 CGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 3A
4182410/1/22 9:00amAyer-Shirley G34 N Boylston G34 BaerAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
4182510/1/22 9:00amHudson G34 C Harvard G34 TigersHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 Leftwe played like a team and had fun
4182610/1/22 9:00amFitchburg G34 B Littleton G34 NavyFitchburg High School
5182710/15/22 9:00amPepperell G34 Earthquakes Hudson G34 CPepperell Glow 3 (7v7)
5182810/15/22 9:00amBoylston G34 Deglialberti Ayer-Shirley G34 MBoylston Hillside Lower
5182910/15/22 9:00amLunenburg G34 B Townsend-Ashby G34 CLunenburg Mass Ave Field Front
5183010/15/22 9:00amMaynard G34 W Clinton G34 BMaynard Fowler Field 2 (7v7 and 9v9)
5183110/15/22 9:00amTyngsboro G34 B Bolton G34 CTyngsboro Bridge Meadow 2
6183210/22/22 9:00amClinton G34 B Lunenburg G34 BClinton S. Meadow #2
6183310/22/22 9:00amBolton G34 C Boylston G34 DeglialbertiBolton Forbush B2
6183410/22/22 9:00amAyer-Shirley G34 M Maynard G34 WAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
6183510/22/22 9:00amTownsend-Ashby G34 C Pepperell G34 EarthquakesTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2a
6183610/22/22 9:00amHudson G34 C Tyngsboro G34 BHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 Left
7183710/29/22 9:00amTownsend-Ashby G34 C Bolton G34 CTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2a
7183810/29/22 9:00amLunenburg G34 B Maynard G34 WMaynard Fowler Field 2 (7v7 and 9v9)Even and physical match. Score submitted Saturday.
7183910/29/22 9:00amHudson G34 C Boylston G34 DeglialbertiHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 Left
7184010/29/22 9:00amTyngsboro G34 B Pepperell G34 EarthquakesTyngsboro Bridge Meadow 2
7184110/29/22 9:00amClinton G34 B Ayer-Shirley G34 MClinton S. Meadow #2
8184211/5/22 9:00amPepperell G34 Earthquakes Lunenburg G34 BPepperell Glow 3 (7v7)
8184311/5/22 9:00amBoylston G34 Deglialberti Clinton G34 BBoylston Hillside Lower
8184411/5/22 9:00amMaynard G34 W Tyngsboro G34 BMaynard Fowler Field 2 (7v7 and 9v9)Realtively competive game esp 1st half, 3-0 at half with 2 own goals
8184511/5/22 9:00amAyer-Shirley G34 M Townsend-Ashby G34 CAyer-Shirley Wilde Rd
8184611/5/22 9:00amBolton G34 C Hudson G34 CBolton Forbush B2Hudson entered