Selected Season:
Spring 2025

NVSL - Subdivison Girls Grade 34 D4.1

Subdivision Members
TeamFieldCoachAssistant Coach
Leominster G34 ALeominster Samoset 7v7 (Lower Right)Angel ReyesDavid Allen
Pepperell G34 RevolutionPepperell Glow 3 (7v7)Pavel GavrichevAvril Kearney
ChairCity G34 OChairCity Gardner High SchoolJay ThebergeJulia Brennan
Bolton G34 BBolton Forbush A1Aaron DavisTimothy Bush
Harvard G34 LeopardsTucker EvansJoshua Bright
Maynard G34 BMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)Josh LafortuneChristopher Lowre
Townsend-Ashby G34 BTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2bJesse EganMark Moscinski
Oakmont G34 BOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryRob DrewellRebekah Traylor
Schedule and Results by Week
WKGame #Game TimeHome TeamScoreAway TeamFieldNotes
117119/10/22 9:00amTyngsboro G34 B Maynard G34 BTyngsboro Bridge Meadow 2
117129/10/22 9:00amOakmont G34 B Pepperell G34 RevolutionOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryGood competitive game.
117139/10/22 9:00amLunenburg G34 B Townsend-Ashby G34 BLunenburg Mass Ave Field Front
117149/10/22 9:00amLeominster G34 B Harvard G34 LeopardsLeominster Samoset 7v7 (Upper)
117159/10/22 9:00amBoylston G34 Deglialberti Berlin G34 WhiteBoylston Hillside Lower
217169/17/22 9:00amPepperell G34 Revolution Leominster G34 BPepperell Glow 3 (7v7)
217179/17/22 9:00amMaynard G34 B Townsend-Ashby G34 BMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
217189/17/22 9:00amTyngsboro G34 B Lunenburg G34 BTyngsboro Bridge Meadow 2Totally unnecessary to allow this EGD
217199/17/22 9:00amBerlin G34 White Harvard G34 LeopardsBerlin South Common
217209/17/22 9:00amOakmont G34 B Boylston G34 DeglialbertiOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery
317219/24/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Leopards Oakmont G34 BHarvard Waite B4 in 1st, 3 in 2nd, last w/ 2 girls down; We had bad day, they played great. Oakmont should have adjusted after 3rd goal. Emba
317229/24/22 9:00amMaynard G34 B Berlin G34 WhiteMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)Maynard went up 4-0 early and played keep away
317239/24/22 9:00amLunenburg G34 B Boylston G34 DeglialbertiLunenburg Mass Ave Field Front
317249/24/22 9:00amTownsend-Ashby G34 B Leominster G34 BTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2b
317259/24/22 9:00amPepperell G34 Revolution Tyngsboro G34 BPepperell Glow 3 (7v7)
4152810/1/22 9:00amClinton G34 C Oakmont G34 BClinton S. Meadow #2
4172610/1/22 9:00amBoylston G34 Deglialberti Maynard G34 BBoylston Hillside Lower
4172710/1/22 9:00amTownsend-Ashby G34 B Pepperell G34 RevolutionTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2b
4172810/1/22 9:00amLeominster G34 B Nashoba G34 BlackBLeominster Samoset 7v7 (Lower Right)
4172910/1/22 9:00amBerlin G34 White Tyngsboro G34 BBerlin South CommonTyngsboro went up 5-0 fast, played with 4 on defense the rest of the game. and stopped advancing past midfield
4173010/1/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Leopards Lunenburg G34 BHarvard Waite B
5173110/15/22 9:00amBolton G34 B Leominster G34 ABolton Forbush B3
5173210/15/22 9:00amChairCity G34 O Harvard G34 LeopardsChairCity Gardner High School
5173310/15/22 9:00amOakmont G34 B Townsend-Ashby G34 BOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryOakmont pulled back at 3-0 and further at 4-0. TAYSA coach was awful to the referee.
5173410/15/22 9:00amMaynard G34 B Pepperell G34 RevolutionMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
6173510/22/22 9:00amLeominster G34 A Oakmont G34 BLeominster Samoset 7v7 (Lower Right)
6173610/22/22 9:00amMaynard G34 B Bolton G34 BMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
6173710/22/22 9:00amPepperell G34 Revolution Harvard G34 LeopardsPepperell Glow 3 (7v7)
6173810/22/22 9:00amTownsend-Ashby G34 B ChairCity G34 OTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2b
7173910/29/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Leopards Bolton G34 BHarvard Waite B
7174010/29/22 9:00amOakmont G34 B Maynard G34 BOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett BreweryGood competitive game. Some nice soccer from both teams.
7174110/29/22 9:00amPepperell G34 Revolution ChairCity G34 OPepperell Glow 3 (7v7)
7174210/29/22 9:00amTownsend-Ashby G34 B Leominster G34 ATownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2b
8174311/5/22 9:00amBolton G34 B Townsend-Ashby G34 BBolton Forbush B3
8174411/5/22 9:00amHarvard G34 Leopards Leominster G34 AHarvard Waite B
8174511/5/22 9:00amPepperell G34 Revolution Oakmont G34 BOakmont TRW Field Across from Wachusett Brewery
8174611/5/22 9:00amChairCity G34 O Maynard G34 BChairCity Gardner High School