Selected Season:
Spring 2025

NVSL - Subdivison Boys Grade 34 D4.3

Subdivision Members
TeamFieldCoachAssistant Coach
Leominster B34 ELeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9James BroadbentMelissa Bourque-Silva
Littleton B34 GreenLittleton Middle SchoolRuss KuppersteinCrystal Jeffrey
Maynard B34 WMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)Michelle HarrisonEmily Rando
Hudson B34 BHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 RightDon CorbosieroLynne Millson
Leominster B34 FLeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9Christopher MorrisseyHolly Kartanos-Garcia
Pepperell B34 TimbersPepperell Glow 4 (7v7)Jonathan SheeksThomas Penney
ChairCity B34 EChairCity Gardner High SchoolKellie PerkinsJosh Perkins
Nashoba B34 CNashoba Stow Community ParkMichael FrattoJared Bruun
Townsend-Ashby B34 DTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2bWillis RiceNone
Lunenburg B34 DLunenburg Mass Ave Field FrontJames SilviaMary-Elizabeth Graham
Schedule and Results by Week
WKGame #Game TimeHome TeamScoreAway TeamFieldNotes
129119/10/22 10:30amNashoba B34 C Leominster B34 FNashoba Stow Community Park
129129/10/22 10:30amPepperell B34 Timbers Groton-Dunst B34 GPepperell Glow 4 (7v7)
129139/10/22 10:30amLunenburg B34 D Littleton B34 GreenLittleton Community Track
129149/10/22 10:30amHudson B34 B Townsend-Ashby B34 DHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 Right
229159/17/22 10:30amLittleton B34 Green Townsend-Ashby B34 DLittleton Middle School
229169/17/22 10:30amHudson B34 B Nashoba B34 CHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 Right
229179/17/22 10:30amLeominster B34 F Pepperell B34 TimbersLeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9
229189/17/22 10:30amGroton-Dunst B34 G Lunenburg B34 DGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 3A
329199/24/22 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 D Groton-Dunst B34 GTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2b
329209/24/22 10:30amPepperell B34 Timbers Littleton B34 GreenPepperell Glow 4 (7v7)
329219/24/22 10:30amNashoba B34 C Lunenburg B34 DNashoba Stow Community Park
329229/24/22 10:30amLeominster B34 F Hudson B34 BLeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9
4292310/1/22 10:30amGroton-Dunst B34 G Leominster B34 FGroton-Dunst Cow Pond 3A
4292410/1/22 10:30amLunenburg B34 D Pepperell B34 TimbersLunenburg Mass Ave Field Front
4292510/1/22 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 D Nashoba B34 CTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2b
4292610/1/22 10:30amLittleton B34 Green Hudson B34 BLittleton Middle School
5292710/15/22 10:30amPepperell B34 Timbers Townsend-Ashby B34 DPepperell Glow 4 (7v7)
5292810/15/22 10:30amHudson B34 B Leominster B34 EHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 Right
5292910/15/22 10:30amLunenburg B34 D ChairCity B34 ELunenburg Mass Ave Field Front
5293010/15/22 10:30amMaynard B34 W Nashoba B34 CMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)
5293110/15/22 10:30amLeominster B34 F Littleton B34 GreenLeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9
6293210/22/22 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 D Maynard B34 WTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2b
6293310/22/22 10:30amChairCity B34 E Hudson B34 BChairCity Gardner High School
6293410/22/22 10:30amLittleton B34 Green Nashoba B34 CLittleton WhitcombCompetitive game, boys had fun!
6293510/22/22 10:30amLeominster B34 E Pepperell B34 TimbersLeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9
6293610/22/22 10:30amLunenburg B34 D Leominster B34 FLunenburg Mass Ave Field Front
7293710/29/22 10:30amPepperell B34 Timbers ChairCity B34 EPepperell Glow 4 (7v7)
7293810/29/22 10:30amHudson B34 B Lunenburg B34 DHudson Sauta Cornfield Athletic Area 7v7 Right
7293910/29/22 10:30amNashoba B34 C Leominster B34 ENashoba Stow Community Park
7294010/29/22 10:30amLittleton B34 Green Maynard B34 WLittleton WhitcombReferee needs to have a louder whistle and communicate more directly with instructions to players.
7294110/29/22 10:30amLeominster B34 F Townsend-Ashby B34 DLeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9
8294211/5/22 10:30amNashoba B34 C Pepperell B34 TimbersNashoba Stow Community Park
8294311/5/22 10:30amLeominster B34 E Littleton B34 GreenLeominster Softball - 7v7 & 9v9Referee did not blow whistle, did not control the game, and allowed players to foul repeatedly.
8294411/5/22 10:30amChairCity B34 E Leominster B34 FChairCity Gardner High School
8294511/5/22 10:30amTownsend-Ashby B34 D Lunenburg B34 DTownsend-Ashby Squannacook Meadows 2b
8294611/5/22 10:30amMaynard B34 W Hudson B34 BMaynard Fowler Field 3 (7v7)